Micro-Budget Movie Production Secrets for New Filmmakers On-Demand Workshop Released on NancyFultonMeetups.com

Hollywood, California: Up-and-coming independent filmmakers who want to learn how to quickly make feature films and documentaries they can sell without spending a lot of money will enjoy the Micro-Budget Movie Production Secrets for Filmmakers on-demand workshop recently released by NancyFultonMeetups.com.

Writer/Producer Nancy Fulton has been running live online and face-to-face workshops to support authors, screenwriters, filmmakers, podcasters, and independent TV producers since 2009. You can find links to her workshops, along with reviews and ratings for her highly informative and entertaining training, at NancyFultonMeetups.com. Her narrative and documentary productions can be found everywhere, including IMDb and Amazon.

Fulton says, “In this workshop, you learn how to create a 90-minute feature film, mockumentary, or documentary that you can afford using tried-and-true techniques from other successful micro-budget and nano-budget films. These techniques work no matter where you live or where you want to shoot.”

It is perfectly possible to produce 90+ minutes of feature film and documentary content for release on Tubi, Pluto, Amazon, Netflix, and hundreds of other channels without going into debt, without ending up in litigation, and without having to rely on investors.

Topics addressed in the Micro-Budget Movie Production Secrets on-demand workshop include:

  • Strategies for designing an easy-to-make and easy-to-market film that fans will love.
  • Where to find cost-effective tools, techniques, strategies, and solutions used by other prolific and profitable filmmakers.
  • Which styles of films lend themselves most to micro-budget and nano-budget production techniques and which don’t.
  • How to get the script, locations, props, actors, and other resources you need to make your film no matter where you produce your film.

This is the perfect workshop for folks who want to learn how to profitably make movies they can easily afford to produce. It’s also great for anyone who wants to give themselves great credits, and for anyone who has stories, insights, and information they very much want to share with the world.

Nancy Fulton’s Independent Film & TV Production Strategies, Tools & Techniques for Producers, Writer/Producers, and Actor/Producers has additional workshops for up-and-coming media professionals, including:

  • How to Get Distribution for Your Films, Short Films, and Videos (OTT, SVOD, AVOD, Amazon, iTunes, YouTube, Broadcast, Traditional & Social Media Distribution, etc.)
  • How to Run TV Ads on 500+ Channels Affordably, including CNN, Lifetime, Hallmark, etc.
  • Making Your Script or Film Easier to Sell
  • Creating Cartoons Quickly, Cheaply & Profitably
  • Reading a Screenplay Like a Producer

New media creators will find many free on-demand workshops exploring Copyright, Work-for-Hire, and Right-of-Publicity from NancyFultonMeetups useful as they begin to produce. They will also benefit from media marketing workshops that cover how to market and promote independent features, documentaries, and mockumentaries

Now is the perfect time to create short films, micro-budget feature films, web series, and other media for sale. It has never been easier for feature films, feature documentaries, or independent series to get on television.

Links to free workshops and more information about Nancy Fulton and her work can be found at NancyFultonMeetups.com.About Nancy Fulton Meetups: Nancy Fulton has been running several online and face-to-face workshops for producers, authors, screenwriters, performers, and experts selling services every month for more than a decade. She has 60,000+ followers and an extensive library of in-depth training resources available at NancyFultonMeetups.com.